Designing a winning
website for fun and fitness

Sports Championship

Sport for Business, a publishing, networking, and events business partnered with GloHealth to organise a multi-sport, inter-company championship. The Championship would run over six consecutive Friday evenings involving 5 sports with male and female players participating in all the games. The emphasis of the championship was to combine fun with competition and to create an impactful website that would engage its target audience.

I was responsible for overseeing the design and development of the website, working closely with a team of four designers, developers, and content creators.

The Challenge

Our challenge was to design a website that would drive engagement among a diverse group of users with varying levels of interest and expertise in sports. The website needed to be fun, exciting, and easy to use, with clear instructions and information about the events.

The Solution

To meet Sport for Business's objectives, we collaborated closely with the client and stakeholders to design a web platform that would support the championship. Our design process involved several meetings and interviews to discuss the project's goals and requirements.


During the discovery phase, we worked with the client to understand the vision, goals and objectives they wanted to achieve through the website. We also conducted stakeholder interviews, reviewed competitor websites, and analysed the target audience to get a better understanding of what they would expect from a website.

Visual research

To ensure we had a clear direction for the design, we researched and gathered inspiration from other sports and event websites to get ideas on how to present the championship website. We looked for inspiration in typography, colour palettes, imagery, and user interface elements.


With the information gathered from the discovery phase, we created a sitemap that outlined the site's structure, the types of content required, and how they would be organised. The sitemap also helped us to understand the user flow and how the user would navigate through the site. It was a valuable tool for us to stay organised and make sure we were meeting the project goals.


With the sitemap in place, we started creating ideas for the website's layout and content. We created wireframes to quickly visualise different design concepts and get feedback from the client. We then iterated on the wireframes to refine the layout and content.

​​​​​​​Design System

Once we had the wireframes in place, we started developing the design system. We used the established brand identity colour palette to create a design system that would be consistent across the website.

Final UI

The final design reflected the fun and excitement of the championship while meeting the client's objectives. We used bold typography and imagery to create a visual impact and communicate the energy of the events. We made sure the website was easy to navigate and included clear calls-to-action to encourage users to sign up for the championship. The website was fully responsive, ensuring it looked great on all devices.

Client Satisfaction

“Red Man played an instrumental part in designing the look and feel of Sport for Business. In doing so they lifted us beyond where we were and played a large part in our success”

Rob Hartnett, CEO, Sport for Business.


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